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Fire Hoods EN ISO 11612

Mod.-Nr: 13-XXXX Category: PPE made with DuPont™ Nomex®

Comfortable and well-fitted protection.

Fire hoods made from antistatic Nomex® Comfort are manufactured from Jersey (Interlock) and therefore fit on nearly all head sizes.
Depending on the design, this PPE offers protection for the head, neck, chest and shoulders, leaving just a field of vision free.
Fire hoods shall only be worn together with equivalent PPE.
Our hoods are available in one or more layers.

Nomex® offers

inherently flame retardant
resistant up to approx. 350 °C
antistatic (depends on type)

lightweight (ca. 150 – 265 g/m²)
no skin irritation
no shrinkage

Life span
abrasion strength
tensile strength
washable without loss of protection

Mit * gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder.

Please calculate 1 plus 8.
Application Short contact with open flame
Temperature range Convective heat up to 80 kW/m²
  Radiant heat up to 20 kW/m²
Sizes One size
Farben Dark blue, ecru

Mod. 13-0141 hood with wide vision field, yoke covering mouth, chest and shoulders
Mod. 13-0161 hood with narrow vision field, yoke covering mouth, chest and shoulders
Mod. 13-0901 hood with narrow field of vision, yoke covering the neck
Mod. 13-0931 hood with customized field of vision "TENAX", yoke covering the neck
Mod. 13-0971 hood with field of vision for face masks covering the mouth, extended yoke covering neck and chest
Mod. 13-0981 hood with field of vision for face masks, extended yoke covering neck and chest
Mod. 13-1951 hood „Rallye“ with eye holes, yoke covering the neck
Mod. 13-9971 hood with field of vision for face masks, extended yoke covering neck and chest, with integrated neck protection